Located in Northern Ontario, Canada Meat Group Inc. is a federally registered facility that is committed to bringing consumers high quality, best-in-class Canadian beef and Canadian halal beef products.
Our new beef processing plant and cold storage facility, latest technologies, high standard processes, dedicated staff and deep understanding of the industry and its needs allow us to offer our customers a wide range of great beef products at competitive prices.
We invite you to browse through our website or give us a call to find out more about what we offer and how we can meet your needs.
A commitment to quality, safety and maintaining the highest standards are just a few of the principles that help guide our vision and mission. Our dedicated team has worked diligently to perfect our procedures and processes using top-notch technologies in our new 16 000 sq. ft. facility to ensure only the finest, quality products are part of the Canada Meat Group Inc. brand.
Our company performs to Canada Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulations, Halal Certifications, and maintains a НАССР system.